
Women's Ministry Kickoff: Sunday Night Lights

Ladies, come join us for the ABC Women’s Ministry Kickoff: Sunday Night Lights on August 25th from 5-7pm. For this event, the ABC Women will be heading back to the high school football field (aka The Great Hall) for a tailgate. This will be a great evening of fellowship, food, and fun for all our ABC women looking for Christ-centered community. You won’t want to miss out, so mark your calendar as registration for this event will be opening soon and come dressed in your high school colors!

Sunday • August 25, 2024 • 5:00pm - 7:00pm
Austin Baptist Church
7016 Ribelin Ranch Drive
Austin, Texas 78750
Get Directions
The Great Hall

We will enjoy a fajita tailgate dinner, entertainment, amazing door prizes, fun with friends, along with learning about the upcoming Bible studies and events for our ladies this year. Don’t worry, we remember how it was going to football games and making sure you had friends to go with. So, we will make sure you and your girlfriends are seated together!

Register Here